Howard United Methodist Church
Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds


Howard United Methodist Church seeks to create a Community of Difference, welcoming of all, assisting those in need, and empowering its people. Our current outreach projects include:

Adopt-a-Family Ministry: Each year the church identifies a family that can use that extra something to make life a little easier. It's more than a quick fix--adopting a family is a full year commitment. Each month the church provides the family with a gift to extend family resources. These "extras" might include gas cards, movie tickets, a holiday meal, dinner out, gift cards, a trip to a baseball game, etc.

Bazaar:  The fourth Saturday of October is normally set for our Church Bazaar. A variety of homemade crafts, tree ornaments, linens, wood-crafted items, and baked goods are on sale. Come have lunch with us: soup, sandwiches, assosrted pies. All are welcome to contribute sale items. All monies raised are designated for the Outreach Ministry.

Card Ministry: At times of illness, hospitalization, or a death in the family, cards are sent to church members to let them know that their church family is praying for them.

College Student Ministry:  Donations are collected and gift cards are sent to college stsudent once per semester. It is a way to let our college students know that their church family is thinking of them and wishing them success.

Community Thanksgiving Dinner: TThe Community Thanksgiving Dinner is an outreach ministry to provide an opportunity for community members to have a sit-down meal together prior to Thanksgiving Day. This meal, provided at no cost, requests donations of canned foods which we send to local food banks.

Fellowship Time: Each Sunday after church, a short time is designated for visiting with new and old friends and families. Coffee, tea, and light snacks are offered.

Flower Ministry: Flowers are sent in the event of the death of a church member. Flowers are also sent to church members who are hospitalized or homebound during Easter or Christmas holidays.

Funeral Meals: Meals may be prepared and served at the church following a member's death. Contact the pastor for information on meal service fees.

Howard Walks:  A walking program is sponsored by the church for community and church members to promote healthy living. The program normally runs during the spring/summer, but may also be offered during the fall.

Noisy Bucket Sunday:  A special collection of loose change is taken on the second Sunday of every month. In odd-numbered months the collection goes to the Howard Area Lions Club Food Bank; the collection from the even-numbered months is used by the church Trustees for minor facility expenses.

Soup Sales:  Soup Sales are held on the third Thursday of January, February, March, September, and November, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. All monies raised are designated for the Outreach Ministry; many local families, schools, and organizations benefit from the proceeds of this effort.

Summer Reading Program:  Each summer the church sponsors a free reading program at the Howard Elementary School for children who can benefit from some extra instruction and practice.

Tuesday Morning 2nd Cup of Coffee Time:  Each Tuesday morning from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. members of the community are invited to enjoy a second cup of coffee and good conversation. Chair massages are also offered.

Yard Sale: On the first Thursday evening, Friday, and Saturday of May, the church holds a Community Yard Sale in the Fellowship Hall. This is held in conjunction with the Howard Community Yard Sale weekend.

Yoga Classes:  Take time for you! These classes will give you the opportunity to experience the benefits of a regular yoga practice; gain flexibility, strength, and the ability to relax. Classes are offered in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays. Gentle Yoga Class runs from 4:30 to 5:30p.m.; Basics Level Class runs from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Cost is $10/class. Questions can be directed to Kathie Baughman at (814) 625-2852,

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