Howard United Methodist Church
Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds

Staff Parish Relations

The purpose of the Staff Parish Relations Committee is to encourage, strengthen, nurture, support, and respect the pastor and staff and their families, as well as to promote unity within the church.

The Committee confers with and counsels the pastor and staff on the matters pertaining to:

  • the effectiveness of ministry and conditions that may impede it
  • relationships with the congregation
  • interpretation of the nature and function of the ministry
  • priorities in the use of gifts, skills, and time
  • identification of continuing educational and spiritual renewal needs and plans
  • a change in pastoral leadership when it is in the best interest of the congregation

As a part of these responsibilities, the Staff Paris Relations Committee develops and approves written job descriptions and titles for associate pastors and other staff members in cooperation with the senior pastor. It is this Committee's responsibility to interview, evaluate, review, and recommend annually to the charge conference lay preachers and persons for candidacy for ordained ministry and to interpret such ministry to the congregation. It will also recommend additional staffing needs to carry out the work of the church.

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